Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When It's Worth Getting Your Ass Kicked

I have always heard how kickboxing does wonders for your body. I have also heard that it's a really intense class and that it's impossible to get through: I decided to never do it. But about seven months ago I changed my mind and tried a kickboxing class on a whim and felt like I was going to die. After about 20 minutes of the most intense workout I had ever done, I thought I was going to pass out. It was bad enough that I had to sit down in the middle of the class and pour water on my face, but it was even more embarrassing that I couldn't finish the workout. Definitely not one of my proudest moments. It took a lot for me to return and show my face after the scene I caused but I'm really glad that I stuck with it. Now, seven months later I am stronger, toned and have great endurance. For those of you who are laughing at my rather embarrassing incident, don't be so quick to judge! Unless you already workout on a regular basis you wouldn't have been able to get through the class either.

A typical class runs for one hour, consisting of a 10 minute warm up, a 30 minute main portion, 15 minutes of weight training/ core training and a 5 minute cool down. The warm up involves stretching as well as large muscle movements to increase blood flow and heat up the muscles. The main portion of the class involves combination punches and kicks that are repeated multiple times. Common moves are bobbing and weaving, forward jabs, cross jabs, hooks and upper cuts, front and back kicks, and side kicks. Jumping jacks, running, skipping rope and boxer's shuffle are often used in between punching and kicking to rev the heart rate and offer cross-training. In my class, we have a section where we use light weights to tone the shoulders, back and arms, and various abdomen exercises to target the core. The cool down involves static stretching of the hips, shoulders and core. Here is a great beginner's workout to try! It's very similar to the beginning portion of the workout I do.

So, why bother doing a workout that is going to kick your ass? For one reason, and one reason only- it is one of the best forms of exercise out there! While challenging all major muscle groups, it improves aerobic capacity, decreases stress, improves focus and boosts your endurance. Although those benefits are great, what you really want to know is "Will this make my waist smaller?" and "Will this make my butt tighter?" If you fall under this category, then I would highly recommend giving this workout a chance. One hour of kickboxing can burn 500 calories and transform your body! If you workout at least one or two more days (in addition to the kickboxing class) and maintain a healthy diet, I promise you will see results. I certainly did!

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